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Free Website Domain

Establish your online identity with a free domain registration! SITE123 offers a free domain with a purchase of an annual package. Show off your site today!

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Domain Management Panel

SITE123 provides a panel where you can create your own free domain name and make your website professional. Here you can also manage your domain’s DNS records (Domain Name System). It is thanks to DNS that you can type www.google.com in the address bar of your browser to access Google, not a lot of numbers and points. You can manipulate the DNS records of your site and set them up in the best way to meet all your needs.

Add Your Existing Domain

SITE123 enables you to connect your existing domain to our platform. You do not need to use the domain name generator to create a new domain. You can take advantage of your old one and add it to our interface. Everyone who visited and knew your site before may continue to access it, even if you used a different platform before. Taking advantage of your old domain, you can reshape the image of your company and give it a new face, more modern and with a lot of personality. Your customers will be really surprised when they notice the changes!

Search New Domain Tool

SITE123 has a domain name generator with a built-in domain name search tool. When you enter the domain you want in the Domain Management Panel, we tell you whether or not that domain is available. You will surely find a domain that represents your business and is exclusively yours.

Free Domain Names

No matter which SITE123 package you own, all our annual packages will give you a free domain. Using your free domain, you will demonstrate that your business is serious and organized. Having a domain of your own shows much more credibility and, consequently, will help you close more deals.

Connect Your Domain For You

We also offer a free service where we connect your domain for you from other domain providers. All you need to do is give us the domain login information by filling out a simple form after clicking "Do it for me!" in our domain section, and we will set it up without you having to do anything! Convenience and care is what SITE123 prides itself on! We will make sure you can spend your time designing your website and running your business while we take care of the technical matters.

Redirect Domains

Redirecting new domains is the way to assign multiple domains to forward directly to your primary domain, allowing you to have multiple domains all pointing to one website! This tool lets you point as many domains as you own to point to your primary domain that you use for your site, so if a person enters any of those other domains, it will automatically go to your primary domain. This much-requested option gives you the power to make sure interested users get to your website if, for example, they type in a variation of your site name that you also own, increasing your site traffic and creating more exposure for your website!

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SITE123 is sonder twyfel die maklikste en mees gebruikersvriendelike webwerf-ontwerper wat ek teëgekom het. Hul hulpkletstegnici is buitengewoon professioneel, wat die proses om 'n indrukwekkende webwerf te skep ongelooflik eenvoudig maak. Hul kundigheid en ondersteuning is werklik uitstaande. Sodra ek SITE123 ontdek het, het ek dadelik opgehou om na ander opsies te soek – dit is so goed. Die kombinasie van 'n intuïtiewe platform en uitstekende ondersteuning laat SITE123 uitstaan ​​bo die kompetisie.
Christi Prettyman us Flag
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SITE123 is baie gebruikersvriendelik volgens my ervaring. By die seldsame geleenthede wanneer ek probleme ondervind het, was hul aanlyn-ondersteuning uitsonderlik. Hulle het enige probleme vinnig opgelos, wat die proses van die skepping van die webwerf glad en aangenaam gemaak het.
Bobbie Menneg us Flag
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Nadat u verskeie webbouers probeer het, staan ​​SITE123 uit as die beste vir beginners soos ek. Die gebruikersvriendelike proses en uitsonderlike aanlyn-ondersteuning maak die skepping van webwerf 'n briesie. Ek gee SITE123 met selfvertroue 'n volle 5-ster-gradering - dit is perfek vir beginners.
Paul Downes gb Flag
Moenie langer wag nie, skep vandag jou webwerf! Skep 'n webwerf

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